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INM @ Accademia Musicale Chigiana (Siena, IT)

A new collaboration between the INM, the Department für Alte Musik and the Accademia Chigiana in Siena.

ACCADEMIA MUSICALE CHIGIANA, Siena, Italy – August 26th – September 2nd, 2023
Curated by Simone Fontanelli, director of the Mozarteum Institut für Neue Musik, and by Vittorio Ghielmi, director of the Mozarteum Department für Alte Musik

This laboratory is a real novelty in the panorama of the composition workshops. The goal is to offer young composers the opportunity to work on their own composition by coming into contact with the poetic and aesthetic world of antique instruments and their sound.
The students and teachers of the Chigiana-Mozarteum Baroque Program will collaborate during daily and in-depth work together, with the possibility of exploring the most interesting aspects of antique instruments.

This collaboration between students and teachers is the basis of the work and is a fundamental feature of the course. Lessons in analysis will complete the course program.

In collaboration with the Mozarteum University, The Laboratory will engage the following instrumentalists in residence:
Mauro Colantonio, Réka Nagy, Arisa Yoshida and Anna Zimre – Viola da gamba
Wen-Cheng Wei – Recorders

More info at

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